Artikel, Publikationen, wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen

© Lukáš Janošík
Two new Russula species (fungi) from dry dipterocarp forest in Thailand suggest niche specialization to this habitat type.    out now!   

Wisitrassameewong K., Manz C., Hampe F., ... Adamčík S.  (2022) Scientific Reports 12, 2826.

© Lukáš Janošík
Frühjahrspilze in und an Bergbächen im Thüringer Wald 

Manz C., Hampe F., Girwert J. & Wieschollek D. (2021). Vernal fungi in and around mountain creeks in the Thuringian Forest. Boletus 42(2): 167-177.

© Lukáš Janošík
Four new species of Russula subsection Roseinae from tropical montane forests in western Panama  

Manz C., Adamčík S., ...,  Hampe F., Piepenbring M. (2021). PLOS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257616

© Lukáš Janošík
Enlightening the black and white: species delimitation and UNITE species hypothesis testing in the Russula albonigra species complex 

De Lange R. , Adamčík S., ...,  Hampe F., Verbeken M. (2021).
IMA Fungus, DOI: 10.1186/s43008-021-00064-0

© Lukáš Janošík
Morphological and genetic diversification of Russula floriformis sp. nov., along the Isthmus of Panama       

Vera M., Adamčík S., ..., Hampe F., Caboň M., Manz C., ..., Piepenbring M. & Corrales A. (2021)
Mycologia, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2021.1897377

© Lukáš Janošík
Wiesenpilzexplosion zur Sommersonnenwende

Hampe F., Manz C. (2021). Wiesenpilzexplosion zur Sommersonnenwende.
Tintling 130 (2/2021): 41-54.

© Lukáš Janošík
Eine Validierung in der Gattung Lamprospora

Hampe F., Kleine J. (2021). A validation in the genus Lamprospora.
Zeitschrift für Mykologie 87/1: 47-50.

Zwei neue Russula-Arten aus Thailand und die neue Subsektion Magicae         

Hampe, F. & Manz, C. (2021). Two new Russula species from Thailand and the new subsection
Magicae. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 87/1: 17-30.

Interessante Cortinarius-Funde während der ThAM/Boletus-Tagung in Bad Blankenburg 2019 

Hampe, F. & Manz, C. (2020). Noteworthy records of Cortinarius species during the ThAM/Boletus-congress in Bad Blankenburg 2019. Boletus 41(2): 111-118.

Lactifluus (Russulaceae) diversity in Central America and the Caribbean: melting pot between realms

Delgat, L., Courtecuisse, R., De Crop, E., Hampe, F., Hofmann, T. A., Manz, C., ... & Verbeken, A. (2020). Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 44, 278.

Russula shawarensis spec. nov.
Kiran & Khalid 

Kiran M., Ullah Z., Khalid A. D., Caboň M. & Hampe F. (2020)
Fungal Planet 1172.
Fungal Planet description sheets: 1112–1181; Persoonia 45, 2020: 251–409

Die seltene Russula tinctipes
Blum ex Bon in Mitteleuropa

Stahl H.-J., Jurkeit W., Hampe F. (2020) - The rare Russula tinctipes Blum ex Bon in Central Europe. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 86/1: 3-21

The quest for a globally comprehensible Russula language

Adamčík, S., Looney, B., Hampe F. ... & Buyck, B. (2019). Fungal Diversity 99(1), 369-449.

Im Dialog mit Felix Hampe

Montag, K. & Hampe F. (2019).
Der Tintling 120 (4/2019), 7-21.

Novel diversity in Lactifluus section Gerardii from Asia: five new species...

De Crop, E., Hampe, F., ... Stubbe, D., Nuytinck, J. & Verbeken, A. (2018).
Mycologia 110(5), 962-984.

Blum versus Romagnesi: testing possible synonymies of some European Russulas

Caboň, M., Trendel, J. M., Moreau, P. A., Hampe, F., ... & Adamčík, S. (2018). 
Plant Systematics and Evolution 304(6), 747-756.

Russula vinosoflavescens spec. nov., from deciduous forests of Northern Alsace, France

Trendel, J. M., Hampe, F. & Verbeken, A. (2017). Mycotaxon 132(4), 707-721.

New insights in Russula subsect. Rubrinae: phylogeny and the quest for synapomorphic characters

Caboň, M., Eberhardt, U., Hampe, F., Kolařík, M., Looney, B., ... & Adamčík, S. (2017). 
Mycological Progress 16(9), 877-892.

A molecular analysis reveals hidden species diversity within the current concept of Russula maculata

Adamčík, S., Caboň, M., Eberhardt, U., Saba, M., Hampe, F., ... & Verbeken, A. (2016). Phytotaxa 270(2), 71-88.

Molecular inference, multivariate morphometrics and ecological assessment are applied in concert to delimit species in the Russula clavipes complex

Adamčík, S., Slovák, M., Eberhardt, U., Ronikier, A., Jairus, T., Hampe, F. & Verbeken, A. (2016). Mycologia 108(4), 716-730.

Into and out of the tropics: Global diversification patterns in a hyperdiverse clade of ectomycorrhizal fungi

Looney, B. P., Ryberg, M., Hampe, F., Sánchez‐García, M. & Matheny, P. B. (2016).
Molecular Ecology 25(2), 630-647.

Lactarius subgenus Russularia (Russulaceae) in South-East Asia: 3. 
New diversity in Thailand and Vietnam

Wisitrassameewong, K., Nuytinck, J., Le, H. T., De Crop, E., Hampe, F. & Hyde, K. D. & Verbeken, A. (2015). Phytotaxa 207(3): 215–241.

Lactarius subgenus Russularia (Russulaceae) in South-East Asia: 2.
Species with remarkably small basidiocarps

 Wisitrassameewong, K., Hampe, F., Nuytinck, J., Hyde, K. D. & Verbeken, A. (2014).
Phytotaxa 188(4), 181-197.

A new angiocarpous Lactarius species from Thailand

Verbeken, A., Hampe, F., Wissitrassameewong, K., Hyde, K., Eberhardt, U. & Nuytinck, J. (2014). Phytotaxa 181(3), 163-170.

Russula rhodomelanea und die Russula-emeticella-Frage

Hampe F., Eberhardt U., Kleine J., Verbeken A. (2013). Russula rhodomelanea and the question of Russula emeticella.
Zeitschrift für Mykologie 79/2: 377-403. 

Ramaria sanguinipes R. H. Petersen & M. Zang, eine Rarität, gefunden in Thailand

Christan J., Hampe F. (2013). Ramaria sanguinipes R. H. Petersen & M. Zang, a rarity, found in Thailand.
Zeitschrift für Mykologie 79/2: 431-442

Eine kleine, seltene Inocybe:
Inocybe ionochlora Romagnesi

Bandini D., Hampe F., Oertel B. (2013). A small, rare Inocybe: Inocybe ionochlora Romagnesi. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 79/1: 79-98

Entoloma tortiliforme
Panta rhei - oder wie der Milchbrätling zu seinem (alten) neuen Namen kam

Kleine J., Hampe F. & Verbeken A. (2013). Panta rhei - or how the fishy milkcap got its (old) new name. 
Tintling 81 (2/2013): 75-88 

Entoloma tortiliforme
Entoloma-Forschung in Mitteleuropa II
Neue und kritische Entoloma-Arten aus Deutschland
Entoloma tortiliforme spec. nov.  F. Hampe, Kleine & Wölfel

Wölfel, G., Hampe F., Kleine J. (2012). Entoloma studies in Central Europe II – New and critical Entoloma species described from Germany. 
Zeitschrift für Mykologie 78/2: 125-136 

Entoloma venustum
Entoloma-Forschung in Mitteleuropa I
Zwei neue Entoloma-Arten aus Deutschland Entoloma venustum spec. nov.  Wölfel & F. Hampe

Wölfel, G., Hampe F., (2011). Entoloma studies in Central Europe I – Two new Entoloma species described from Germany.
Zeitschrift für Mykologie 77/2: 181-119 

Entoloma venustum
Bemerkenswerte Telamonia-Funde bei der Vogtlandtagung 2010

Kleine, J., Rönsch, P., Rönsch, S. & Hampe, F. (2011): Some interesting Telamonia collections at the mycological conference Vogtlandtagung 2010. Boletus 33(1): 7-19

Entoloma venustum
Russula laccata, een misschien over het hoofd geziene soort

Hampe, F. & Verbeken, A. (2011): Russula laccata - a perhaps overlooked species.
Sporen Vol.4/Nr.4: 9-12

Entoloma venustum
Großpilze der Waldgebiete im Erfurter Süden, 2. Beitrag

Girwert, J. & Hampe, F. (2007): The macromycetes of forests in the southern areas of Erfurt (Thuringia, Germany), 2nd part. Veröffentlichungen des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt 26/2007: 107-126


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